United Way of Clallam County (UWCC) is thrilled to announce the 2024 recipients of $300,000 in Impact Funding! Each of the following nonprofit organizations will receive $50,000 to help further their work:

logo of st. Andrew's place
blue words on white background


The selected agencies work directly in our priority areas of safe and stable housing, strong and secure families, and lifelong learning to ensure a strong workforce. The grants have been allotted as follows:

- $50,000 to create a safe place for their clients and programs: Clallam Mosaic

- $50,000 towards creating more early childhood education spaces: YMCA 

- $100,000 to agencies providing basic needs: Forks Community Food Bank & Society of St. Vincent de Paul

- $100,000 to organizations supporting housing: St. Andrew's Place & Mariposa House


"Lack of adequate housing, childcare, and living wage jobs continue to be barriers from allowing Clallam County families to thrive. We're happy that these funds will support agencies across our county and impact critical human needs throughout our communities."

- Christy Smith, CEO of United Way of Clallam County


What Is Impact Funding?

Impact funding is made possible by a generous bequest from the estate of William Hardman and is intended to create transformational gifts for human service nonprofits in Clallam County. This unique type of funding has allowed United Way of Clallam County to create impactful change in our three priority areas: housing, childcare, and employment. So far, Impact Funding gifts have ranged from $50,000 - $100,000. 


The Selection Process

The grant recipients are selected by United Way volunteer leaders on the Board of Directors and Funds Distribution Committee. Impact Funding is granted using a trust-based philanthropy model, meaning that UWCC trusts the organizations to use the funds in the best way, based on their specific expertise. However, it is vital that the projects be connected to UWCC's focus areas of safe and stable housing, strong and secure families, and lifelong learning to ensure a strong workforce. 

With a core set of values rooted in advancing equity, shifting power, and building mutually accountable relationship, Trust-Based Philanthropy seeks to demonstrate humility and collaboration in what we do and how we show up in all aspects of our work as funders. 


Trust-Based Philanthropy has six core values:

  1. Provide multiyear, unrestricted funding
  2. Do the homework
  3. Simplify and streamline paperwork
  4. Be transparent and responsive
  5. Solicit and act on feedback
  6. Offer support beyond the check


2023 Impact Funding Recipients

- $100,000 Olympic Peninsula YMCA for a childcare program

- $50,000 Clallam Mosaic

- $50,000 Habitat for Humanity

- $50,000 Sarge's Veteran Support

- $50,000 Sequim Health & Housing Collaborative


Our Mission 

The mission of United Way of Clallam County is to strengthen the community by helping people live safe, healthy and productive lives. UWCC brings people together to ensure that everyone can access a quality education, build economic mobility, and live a healthy life. With deep roots in Clallam County, UWCC has been driving solutions and tackling big challenges since 1952. 

Donations to United Way, fund local nonprofits that implement collaborative, innovative solutions to enhance the lives of those families that need us most.