United Way of Clallam County envisions living in a place where everyone is supported socially, economically, and fully in their physical and mental health.
We Promote
We Do This By
- Being a constructive voice for human service needs in Clallam County.
- Providing a way for people to Give, Advocate, and Volunteer in our community.
- Leading collaborative, community-wide efforts to obtain and provide resources to enhance community well-being.
We want all people to have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. We support programs in Education that promote academic achievement. We advance Economic Mobility by helping everyone achieve greater financial stability. We promote good Health by partnering to maximize physical and mental health and well-being across all of Clallam County.
We fund 23 Partner Agencies with annual allocations that come from undesignated donations to United Way, in addition to distributing funds to non-partner agencies and other charities as directed by individual donors. We also manage the Clallam Community Foundation, which accepts bequests of all kinds, including remainder trusts and donor-driven funds.
Incorporated in Clallam County in 1952, United Way of Clallam County is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization governed by a local volunteer board of directors and staffed by six employees. Hundreds of volunteers county-wide give their time and financial support to United Way and our Partner Agencies.
United Way of Clallam County Stands Against All Forms of Racism and Discrimination
We condemn racism in all facets of our organization. We pledge to intentionally dismantle and disrupt all forms of discrimination and oppression, and work to create spaces where our staff, board, and partners feel comfortable being their authentic selves.
We must all do our part, working united, to make our communities equitable, respectful and opportunity-filled. Equity is achieved when systemic, institutional and historic barriers based on race, gender, sexual orientation and other identities are dismantled and no longer predict socioeconomic, education, and health outcomes.
We commit to leveraging all of our assets (convening, strategic investments, awareness building, advocacy) to create more equitable communities. We, as a society, can and must do better to guarantee that the basic human rights and freedoms of every person in every community are protected.
United Way of Clallam County acknowledges that the communities we work in are the homelands and territories of the chalá·at (Hoh), qʷidiččaʔa·tx̌ (Makah), kʷoʔlí·yot’ (Quileute), t͡ʃə́mqəm (Chimacum), stətíɬəm (Jamestown S'Klallam), and ʔéʔɬx̣ʷaʔ (Lower Elwha Klallam) peoples. We express our deepest respect and gratitude for our Indigenous neighbors and leaders for their enduring care and protection of our shared lands and waterways.
We acknowledge our responsibility to include tribal voices in our programs and services. We support tribal sovereignty and seek to establish and maintain relationships with the tribes and Native peoples of our region.
Diversity and inclusion are at the heart of what it means to LIVE UNITED. Effectively and authentically addressing our community’s most pressing needs requires an intentional inward and outward commitment to inclusion across all dimensions (race, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, physical or mental ability). The Board of Directors of United Way of Clallam County consist of at least 15 members who represent the diversity of Clallam County, ethnically, economically and geographically.
Equity is the intentional inclusion of everyone in society. Equity is achieved when systemic, institutional, and historical barriers based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and other identities are dismantled and no longer predict socioeconomic, education and health outcomes.
We recognize structural racism and other forms of oppression have contributed to persistent disparities which United Way seeks to dismantle. Our United Way network strives to engage community members, especially those whose voices have traditionally been marginalized. We work with residents and public and private partners to co-create solutions that ensure everyone has the resources, supports, opportunities and networks they need to thrive. We commit to leveraging all our assets (convening, strategic investments, awareness building, advocacy) to create more equitable communities.
We are strong only when we are respectful of others and inclusive in our actions.
- We aspire to involve every segment of the community in every aspect of our work.
- We act in ways that respect the dignity, uniqueness, and intrinsic worth of every person within our community: the donors, our own staff and family, board members, volunteers and beneficiaries.
- We believe in a movement built from the rich diversity and gifts of all people in all systems.
- We strive to respect and include all human service organization in the work of United Way.