Thank you for your interest in joining our board! 

United Way of Clallam County is committed to helping all residents of our community live safe, healthy, and productive lives. We lead collaborative, community-wide efforts to obtain and provide resources to enhance well-being. Funds raised in Clallam County go to local programs and projects that support a healthy community, financial security, and youth opportunity. With your help, we can make a real difference in the lives of those who need us most.


series of clasped hands

As a member of our board... will have the opportunity to:

Shape the Future: Play a pivotal role in guiding the strategic direction of our organization and ensuring our long-term success.

Make an Impact: Contribute to initiatives that directly improve our nonprofit partners.

Expand Your Network: Enhance your own professional connections while meeting with other board members, partners, and stakeholders in the field.

Be Part of Something Bigger: Join an organization with a clear vision and unwavering commitment to making a lasting difference.

Two hands holding each other

We're seeking board members...

...who bring a range of skills, including financial expertise, fundraising experience, legal knowledge, familiarity with marketing and communications, and more. What matters most though, is your passion for our mission and a desire to contribute your time, energy, and ideas to our cause.

Together, we can make a meaningful impact that lasts for years to come.

"I support United Way because they represent our community."

Amie Batton, Board Member

Board Member Application

Contact Information
Physical Address (if different from mailing address)
Education: Check highest level completed
Profession / Occupation
Conflict of Interest: Board Members must agree to sign a Conflict of Interest disclosure on financial investments and transactions, and other nonprofit agency involvement, either of which would conflict with United Way. Would this pose a problem for you?
Have you ever served on a United Way Board of Directors, been a volunteer with United Way or a United Way agency, or been employed by a Local United Way?
Reference #1
Reference #2
Reference #3
Sign above



Click below to read about our History, self-governance, partnerships, and recent impact results:


“I support United Way because I believe it is so closely connected to the real needs in our community and is well equipped to make a meaningful difference for those in need.” 
Donna Pacheco, Board Member


Board Responsibilities

The Board of Directors is responsible for maintaining the corporate entity of United Way of Clallam County and for preserving and interpreting the organization’s role in the community. The Board of Directors exercises, conducts and controls the power, property and affairs of United Way. In addition, the Board of Directors makes decisions, approves policies, and directs, through the employment of the Chief Executive Officer, the operations of United Way of Clallam County.

Group of people giving high 5s


  • The Board is solely responsible for determining agency policy, approving annual budget, and determining goals of the organization. 
  • The Board assumes ultimate responsibility for internal policies that govern the organization. 
  • The Board evaluates and reviews United Way’s operations and maintains standards of performance
  • Board Members, both individually and as a Board, understand and interpret the work of United Way to the community. 
  • The Board selects, employs, and evaluates the CEO. 
  • The Board approves and monitors the corporate finances of United Way.

Board Expectations

fist bump
  • Have a commitment to improving human services in Clallam County.
  • Develop an understanding of United Way of Clallam County’s unique role in that process.
  • Actively communicate that role in appropriate settings.
  • Prepare for and attend monthly board meetings held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at noon, held at the United Way offices. 
  • Actively participate in one or more committees. 
  • Actively participate on a Funds Distribution panel. This includes becoming familiar with the work of the agencies, participating in an on-site visit, and attending the annual agency budget presentation and allocations meeting. 
  • Attend annual Campaign Kick-off and Awards Celebrations. 
  • Assist annual campaign efforts by one of several methods outlined each year including promoting United Way via social media, in-person, and in writing. 
  • Participate in the annual Day of Caring project. 
  • Provide an annual financial gift to United Way at a level consistent with your ability to give.

“People do not always know the needs of our communities and how they can help, financially or with time, and United Way is a great pathway for community.” 
Allie Plute, Board Member


